Case Study:
Lachlan Dibbayawan

I am an associate at Stax, a private equity consulting firm based out of Boston. In 2021, I was an international student studying at Babson College, aspiring to become a consultant in the United States. Not only did I have to navigate the difficulties of finding my first job, I also had to deal with the added complications of requiring a visa at a time when companies were rarely hiring international students. I was initially introduced to Jeremy through a Babson professor, and from there we connected and Jeremy provided mentorship throughout the later stages of my job search. Fast forward a few months, and with Jeremy’s guidance, I eventually landed my consulting role at Stax in the U.S.
How I previously approached my job search:
Prior to Jeremy’s mentorship, my job search practices had yielded minimal success. Like many, I was following the guidance of the career services department and my friends & family. While this support was initially helpful, a lot of it was about the “what to do” and provided less direction on the “how to do it.” I was submitting lots of job applications and sending generic outreach messages to hundreds of people on LinkedIn, which was a lot of effort with little payoff. When I did have conversations and interviews, my approach was too simplistic and wasn’t resonating with people I was connecting to. I needed more personalized coaching.
How Jeremy helped:
Jeremy very quickly helped me realize that I could make my process more efficient and effective, and it was clear that I especially needed to change if I was going to compete for a role as an international student. Together, we re-shaped my outreach strategy : who to target and what to say, sharing why I was interested in a way that would resonate with them, confidently expressing my qualifications for the role, etc. From personalizing my initial introductions to the questions I asked in interviews, we re-vamped my whole process in a way that yielded more effective results. I was more intentional about the companies and jobs I researched, how to create a path to learning about the roles, and customizing my applications with a story that was more authentic – and effective! Additionally, once I finally landed interviews, Jeremy provided support to best position myself throughout the whole process.
With my new processes, I saw an increase in the number of people willing to network with me. Further, I was finding that my conversations were more engaging, with people often providing referrals or introductions to other people at their respective firms. Once I finally got through to interviews, I consistently received positive feedback on my candidacy. Often the feedback was regarding aspects of my candidacy where Jeremy had provided guidance.
Ultimately, the work with Jeremy turned my job search around and has well-positioned me moving forward throughout my career. I know the tools Jeremy provided have set up the foundation for when I look to my next opportunity.