You deserve a career you love. 
We’ll help you build it.

Are you looking for a new position or better career, but are having a hard time figuring out where to start?

Do you feel overwhelmed, isolated, or even discouraged?

Let’s figure it out, together.

How can we help?

My name is Jeremy, and I have coached hundreds of people to manage their career into their Dream Job. Let me help you craft your story.

We are passionate about helping people find/build a job they love and develop skills for a sustainable career.

If you find yourself thinking:

There are lots of career resources and job search instructions out there…where do I start?

I keep hearing WHAT to do, but not HOW to do it…

I’m looking for a community of people that I can talk to about my career…

Where can I find some advice that is tailored to my needs?

…then schedule a free 30-minute consultation.

Free Resume Review

Submit your resume and sign up for a free goals consultation
and feedback based on our proprietary 20-point checklist

Gift Cards

Enabling a job search and/or support of a loved one’s career is an incredibly thoughtful gift, and one of the best investments you can make in their future.

The Dream Job Network is happy to apply a gift card of any amount to the balance of a current client, and/or start a new relationship with the recipient you identify.

Order a Gift Card